Killer Watts Farm

Better hemp for a Better Life




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Why Hemp?

Hemp contains cannabinoids (CBD), flavonoids, and terpenes. Hemp is genetically-different from marijuana and can not cause psychoactive effects.  Hemp plants naturally produce high CBD and low THC.

CBD binds to and “feeds” the body’s existing endocannabinoid system.

There’s scientific evidence hemp can help with pain relief, sleep regulation, appetite, immune system response, anxiety and depression, PTSD, alleviation of cancer related symptoms as well as reducing cancerous tumors in certain types, acne, neuroprotective properties, heart health, substance abuse, and even diabetes prevention.

* We do not make medical claims and urge you to research on your own and speak with your doctor.

Susan O.

 P&S Farms  Liberty, SC

“I love my Killer Watts products! I have stopped using pain medicine and feel so much better.”

Michelle G. 

“I tried the Bubba smokable. It helps give me focus and energy. I have Multiple Sclerosis and it helps.”

Parker H. 

“Well I’ve went from smoking and drinking caffeine every morning to taking the 1000mg capsules and I can go 4 hours without nicotine.”

CBD is the most widely known  cannabinoid but there’s HUNDREDS of other cannabinoids that occur naturally in hemp! Researchers have only scratched the surface as to what all they can do!


We do not use any chemicals on our plants! We also use a chemical-free extraction method to make our oil! 

Killer Watts Farm is purposefully-small so that that each plant can be tended by hand.  We care about quality and safety!



Satisfied Customers


"Two of my favorite things are sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing my Hohner harmonica."


– Abraham Lincoln

Why use up the forests which were centuries in the making and the mines which required ages to lay down, if we can get the equivalent of forest and mineral products in the annual growth of the hemp fields?"


– Henry Ford

"Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction."


– Bob Marley

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